For several years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a real issue for companies. CSR includes all the practices implemented by companies to meet sustainable development objectives. It covers the following areas: social, environmental and economic. CSR is a factor in the global performance of the company. Among other things, it leads them to better understand and control their risks to limit their negative impact on society and the environment. Better still, it aims to increase its positive impact.
The different areas of CSR
Today, the performance of a company is no longer only financial. It has opened up to new dimensions such as the environment, social, quality, societal, territorial inclusion… To evaluate a responsible company implementing a CSR strategy, four performances are considered:
- Economic performance
Obviously, this is a key parameter in the sustainability of a company.
- Social performance
Human resources, employee skills, company reputation and organisation… social performance considers many indicators related to human capital development.
- Societal performance
Every company is integrated into an ecosystem that it must consider to preserve it from negative effects.
- Environmental performance
The company uses raw materials and consumes energy in its operations. Environmental performance aims to reduce its impact on the environment.
The pillars of CSR
Deploying a CSR approach in a company means improving its overall performance by respecting the environment, supporting social progress, and including its locality. The ISO 26000 standard allows us to structure this approach around seven main pillars:
- Organisation governance
- Human rights
- Working relations and conditions
- The environment
- Fair practices
- Consumer issues
- Communities and local development
- The challenges of CSR
As a growth driver, value creator and image vector, CSR allows each company to constantly adapt its strategy to the changing challenges of the sector, without forgetting the expectations of customers and various stakeholders.
At RevolutionR, we support our clients in the deployment of their CSR strategy. Let’s talk about it!